It's Here... Almost.

Friday, January 05, 2007


Here's What Hollywood Made (this is a title thing. haha TITLES ARE SO "IN")

The wind blew gently on Jason's stubbled face as he accepted the pen and signed on the crumpled piece of paper. Not forgetting to smile, he handed the paper back and the two squealing girls continued to blush bright pink even as they walked away.

"That girl looks like Natalie."

A rather good-looking man with flaming red hair rolled his eyes and sighed under his breath.

"Every girl in the city looks like Natalie to you! I'm not suprised if one day you tell me that I share some sort of resemblence to her too."

Jason quickened his speed so he could walk right beside the other man. "Oh but you do!" He quipped. Then he smiled innocently, causing his handsome features to get even more charming.

From afar, people might mistake Jason Hardislaye to be just another guy going out for a drink. This was because he was simply clad in a white shirt and a pair of jeans. No make-up, no scary body guards; just accompanied by another guy that could be easily mistaken for his brother.

But being noticed was neither what Kaine and Jason yearned for. They merely longed for a single cup of coffee.

"Really, Jason. You should stop thinking about her!" Kaine exclaimed, waving his hand in annoyance. Then with the same hand, he pushed open the door and walked in. Jason followed behind, with an amused smile on his face.

"Aw c'mon, I came here for coffee, not a lecture!"

"Well you're gonna get both." Kaine took his seat opposite Jason and opened the menu."What'll you have?"

"The usual." His brown-haired companion mumbled. Then he reached for the pepper shaker and studied it, even going so far as to give it a sniff.

"Right. So where was I?"

Placing the shaker back and directed his attention to the lines of the wooden table, Jason didnt look up but answered, "You were about to call for a waitress and order our food?"

Kaine sat back in his chair and sighed. "I was talking about how you should get a new girlfriend."
A nod was all Kaine got in return.

"Seriously Jason... ARGH can you stop staring at the table and listen to me?!!?"

"Okay okay..." Jason looked up at Kaine and grinned widely. "I'm all ears, Kaine."

"Right. Would you act your age please?" Jason's grin inverted into an exaggerated frown. "Oh very funny haha I am laughing. LISTEN TO ME! GET A GIRLFRIEND. NOW. OR SOON. I don't care what colour or size or if she is even human JUST GET ONE."

"Why? Why are you so fussed up, I mean it's MY LIFE not yours. How does me being single affect you anyway? Worried people might think we're gay?"

"No! OF COURSE NOT. I don't know why I even bother anyway. But the fact, is we're good friends and I think it would MUCH better for your reputation if you had a girlfriend."

"You mean my reputation as the sexy, woman-eating guy on some TV show?" Jason yawned and held his head with his hands. "Are we gonna drink coffee or not?"

"Wait. Look you're a FAMOUS CELEBRITY GUY okay? We both are! And while all our colleagues and well, me, are getting really hot girls, you just complain about how you wished you and Natalie hadn't broken up cos now you're all depressed and blah... get over it, man! MOVE ON. Go pick up a girl with one of your smart lines and cute smiles!"

"I can't. I'm a long relationship kind of person. Not a date-some-girl-Iknow-nothing-about-then-marry-her-on-some-deserted-island kind of person. Biiig difference."

Kaine sighed. He turned around and called for a waiter then turned back to Jason. "You're in Hollywood! Celebrities aren't long relationship people. Some are. But you shouldnt be! You shouldn't wait for some special girl to start a relationship with. No need for your stupid principle about making friends with a girl first then going to the next level. Just go flirt with some pretty girl. Trust me, it's just as satisfying."

Shaking his head in disapproval, Jason ran his fingers through his short brown hair and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and saw Kaine staring right back at him. "I don't know. I can't. I'm not like that! And I'm tired. I need my coffeeeeee...."

"And what kind will that be, sir? Or sirs. Or misters?" The question gave Kaine and Jason quite a shock; neither had noticed the waitress standing beside their table with a pen ready and a rather confused smile.

"Sorry. I'm new at this so I really am not sure how I'm supposed to address custom- LOYAL customers like you." Grinning as she said this, the waitress seemed to have put herself in a rather awkward position.

"This is our first time here."

"Oh." The grin turned into a frown and changed into an embarassed smile. "Haha. Sorry..." She said, fiddling with her long black hair nervously.

Kaine chuckled and looked at the menu again. "No apologies. Um.. I'll have a Double Expresso and my friend over here would have that coffee he always drinks at other cafes which is...." He traced the menu with his finger and finally stopped at an item. "This."

The waitress quickly jolted down the orders on her notepad and when she was done, looked at Kaine and asked, "Will that be all?"

"Will that be all, Jason?" Jason didn't seem to have heard Kaine though. Instead, he was staring at the waitress with his mouth open and didn't react when Kaine waved a hand infront of his face.

"Jaaaason..." Turning to the waitress, he shrugged and explained, "Don't mind Kaine. Sometimes I wonder if he's mentally unstable."

The waitress smiled and nodded, then left the table and headed to the counter.


Still motionless.


Slightly frustrated, Kaine wrecked his head for a way to get his friend to act normal again and stop staring into the space where the waitress had been only seconds ago.

"Argh. You are embarassing me. JASON!! I WILL KIL- wait. I KNOW!" The red haired thespain looked past his friend's shouder and at the door. "Hey... ISN'T THAT NATALIE?"

"WHAT WHERE?!?!" The idea worked. Jason was awoken from his trance. But Kaine hadn't expected him to jump out of his seat and run to the door. Pressing his face on the glass, he scanned the scene for his ex-girlfriend and when he realized she wasn't even in the city. He stomped back to his table and pointed threateningly at his rather amused friend.


OKAY. this is done. i shall go watch TV now. BLAH TO YOU TOO.
any comments? COMMENT at the comment thingy below *points*
every time you tell me you like it, IT MAKES MY DAY.


Blogger karyn said...

I like the 'I don't care what colour or size or if she is even human JUST GET ONE' part

6:38 PM  

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