It's Here... Almost.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Coffee Is Always The No. 1 Priority

Placing the pen back into her pocket, Amber walked casually to the counter until she was safely behind it. Then she ran up to her good friend, Karyn, who didn't seem to know what she was doing with the coffee-maker.

"HEY HEY! Guess what?"

"Somehow some guy lost his hand to a coffee-maker and now coffee-making machines are forever banned in this world?"

"No! No.. Look, look!" Amber grabber her friend by the shoulders and spun her around so she was facing the tables of customers. "Look at that table, over there.."

Squinting her eyes, Karyn tried to focus on what Amber was pointing to. All she saw was two guys; the redhead seemed to be rather amused by his friend who was furiously telling him off.

"Yea...? Nothing unusual..."

"Look that guy! The one with the red hair, HE IS KAINE... Kaine... something. HE'S THAT TV STAR GUY. And the other guy? The one who's is attempting to throw the pepper shaker at the Kaine guy? HE'S THE GUY WHO PLAYS BRENDON IN THAT SHOW THAT'S ON EVERY TUESDAY AT 3PM."

"Oh you DO pay attention to what you're watching on TV, don't you!" Karyn commented, her voice dripping with sacarsm. Then she turned back to the coffee-maker and smiled with amusement, "Well go get they're autograph or something!"

"Aw, come on, you know me!" Amber folded her arms, "I am not that immature!" She whined.

"If you say so."

Seconds passed. Kaine had managed to convince Jason not to kill him in a cafe and now they were sitting down, not engaged in a conversation, just waiting for their drinks. The cafe was filled with voices of customers, talking about things that ranged from pets to business. Waitresses moved swiftly among the polished wooden table serving delightful smelling coffee and a variety of tentalizing treats.

From behind the counter, a young waitress professionally worked the coffee-maker and as a result, produced two cups of swirling black liquid emitting a bitter fragrance. A fellow colleague eagerly swooped it up and walked towards a table.

"Your coffee, sir."

"Thanks.. you again!" Kaine said before taking a sip of coffee and realising it was scalding hot.

Amber smiled and placed Jason's cup on the table. She then turned around but turned back to face Kaine.

"Yes?" The 24 year old enquired.

"I...I..." The waitress blushed then took a deep breath. "Could I get your autograph?"

that's it. I TOOK A LONG TIME TO DO THIS. im going to camp tmr. BYEBYE. see ya! my knee hurts.


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