It's Here... Almost.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Best Friends Make Best Men

Karyn didn't take long to recognize that this wasn't exactly the most suitable time to visit. But how could she forget? What else do two grown, wealthy men do on a free night?

"Um if you're planning to speak to Kaine now..." Jason glanced over his shoulder at Kaine, red faced and close to falling off the edge of the sofa, "I don't think this is the right time..." Just then, Kaine broke out into a chorus of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars".

"Actually, I'm here to see you."

It took awhile for her words to process in his mind;Jason blamed it on the alcohol. "Me? Wha- Why?"

Karyn looked at him, slightly annoyed. "Do you mind?" She motioned into the apartment, uncomfortable with the fact she was standing in the middle of the door frame, exposed to the corridor and the possibility of nosey neighbours.

"Oh yes, right..." Jason shuffled aside to allow his visitor in and then closed the door. He walked across the living room behind her, passing Kaine who was air-guitaring. Lifting a bottle of beer, which Karyn politely rejected, he opened it and gulped down the contents.

"So... I've been talking to Amber and I won't beat around the bush..." The 24 year old paused for a moment, unsure of how Jason would react. But the man merely looked at her with curiosity, his consciousness seeming to seep out of him every passing minute, his eyelids weary from trying not to shut and his face flushed red. "Well, she's not too happy with the proposal. I mean, it's a bit fast, don't you think?"

Jason stood, slightly swaying, quiet for a moment. His thoughts went back to the night when he had been on one knee, the slightly odd look on her face that had disappeared before he could figure out what it was. Confusion? No. Cautiousness maybe? Uncertainty? But she had said 'yes' in the end and there was no trace of reluctance in her voice when she had.

"But... but why?"

"Look, Jason... You and Kaine... you guys are actors. Hollywood actors. It was bad enough when Amber and you were dating, she has had her doubts. She's not the type of girl who um... who... well, she's not the Hollywood actor's girlfriend kind of girl. Y'know?"

"Wh... so... you're saying...?"

"I'm saying that it's kind of cliche for actors to rush into marriages? Something like that. And it's kind of cliche for them to rush out of it too. Amber's not ready for that."

The bottle in Jason's hand slid through his fingers but landed nicely on the counter top. He stared at the ground in deep concentration before reasoning with Karyn.

"But that's not my intention. Amber's not that kind of girl but... I'm not that kind of guy. Look at this apartment! Does it look like it's owned by a Hollywood actor to you?"

Karyn scanned the room. Bottles and newspapers were strewn all over the floor. Furniture was obviously in places it wasn't meant to be and they were the average kind of stuff you found in an average home. Nothing fancy. In the middle of it all, Kaine sat, slumped on the sofa, snoring loudly.

She wrinkled her nose. "Well no. Look truth be told, I kind of know you're not that kind of guy. But Amber alittle more paranoid, y'know? I think it should be her you're explaining to. I just came here to tell you." An encouraging smile played at her lips.

Jason nodded and grabbed the beer bottle again. "Thanks." He took his last sips before the bottle went dry.

"Well, then, I shall make my way out and leave you two men to do your macho stuff..." Karyn walked towards the door, careful not to step on anything. Jason started to follow but she held up her hand and told him to stay put. "I'll show myself out," She opened the door and turned back to wish Jason a good night. "Err.. and you too Kaine, if you can hear me." With one last grin and a wave, she door shut with a click.

A loud snore and a thud indicated that Kaine had rolled off the sofa.

thanks for reading and please please comment! :D

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


i know its been long since i updated to here's a summary of what has happened so far:

Jason + Kaine = 2 Actors, best friend s

Jason is just getting over his ex Natalie when he meets an asian waitress, Amber and well, falls in love. in the last chapter, he proposed to her.

Kaine is a reckless playboy, not caring about how many women he dates at a time. the goodness of his best friend seems to be rubbing off him and so now he's trying to make amends for the bad things he's done. he makes friends with Amber's colleague, Karyn, and asks her to be his "therapist". they spend some late evenings together, just talking and finally Kaine asks her out.

The Fondest Nights Are Full Of Beer
"Nooooooooo, you asked her to marry you?"

"Hey hey! Look who's talking? You asked your therapist out!"

"Well, she's not really my therapist...... look don't change the subject, alright, you're the one with the problem; You asked a girl whom you've dated for like what? One day?"

"Oh Kaine, you drama queen! I've dated her for.... months already..."

"How many?"

"Um... I can't remember... not right now anyway... not... sober.... enough..."



"So... what's with the sudden outrages behaviour love?"

"Mmm... what? Oh the proposal?"

"No, no. The train ride!"

"What? Kaine if you're going to try to be sarcastic at least make it make sense. Hmm... the proposal? I guess... I just...."


"Wanted to keep her."

"What? I've never heard that before."

"Well Amber's different and I just.... don't want... to lose her."

"Heyhey! You're blushing!"

"It's the beer!"


"Now you're blushing too! Haha!"

"Go...away.........Ja... sonnnn...."

"You're not going to finish that bottle, are you?"



"Mmm? No! Getoff!"

"Lemme lemme......"

"No! Beer! Mine! I swear Jason... If you don't back off... I will... bite... you.."

"I dare you...... I'll bite.. you first...."


"Mm? Whossat?"

"Who's what?"

"At the door..."

"Door? What's a door?"

"I'll go geddit..."

"Oh that rectangular thing? With the circley thing that you turn that looks like a-"


"Ouch Jason, that was my foot! Or was it...?"

"Where... are those... lights... when you need them..."

"Lights? What are lights..."

"Where's that stupid door knob... Ah! there we go...."

"There what go... zzz..."

"... Karyn...? What are you doing here?"

Anyway this chap isnt very interesting cos its like a little bridge from one chapter to the other. i jus wrote this cos i couldnt think of anything else. i shall go get started on chapter 20. :D thanks for reading!
happy new year!