It's Here... Almost.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Wait Til Real World Directors Yell "CUT"

"You don't know what love means."

"Maybe... But I'm willing to learn. Ma- I mean Kate... ARGH."


Conveniently enough, a man went up to Jason with a towel and he took it (without forgetting to thank him of course) and wiped the sweat off his brow.

"What happened Jason? Suddenly win an award and get totally thrown off?"

Jason frowned. "I'm sorry, Michael. Just... alot on my mind."

"Fine," Michael gave the thespian a pat on the back. "Want a break? Or shall we do that again?"

"Okay, I think I'm ready."

"Okay.." Yelling commands to everyone the people got ready.

"Lights! Cameras!"

Jason studied the different tiles beneath his feet. They were shooting on a bridge somewhere in London and the scenery was beautiful. But Jason's mind was too occupied to admire it.

Focus, Jason. Focus.


Mariene looked him in the eye and he looked back. Lines were running through his mind...

"You don't know what love means."

It was his turn. Jason suddenly thought of Amber. He and her were on the bridge. They were talking. She was telling him he wasn't good enough. That he didn't know how to have a relationship.

"But I'm willing to learn. Kate, if you are willing to teach me, I am willing to learn." He walked up to Amber and took her hands.

"I promise you, I'll try everything possible to be with you Kate. I love you."

A fan near by was switched on. Mariene's hair blew as if there was a wind blowing. The camera had the perfect shot of them; two lovers and wonderful scenery in the background.

"And.... CUT!"

Everyone was so relieved that even there was a faint "phew!" heard. Jason smiled. Then he noticed that he was doing scenes differently from last time. Somehow he kept imagining his reel life lover to be Amber. Did this show that he really did love her? Or was he subconsciously telling himself that their relationship was temporary, once the camera stopped rolling, was it over?

Jason had never dated someone who wasn't in the movie industry too. Ever since the incident with the reporter at the Awards ceremony, he had nightmares of Amber saying that she wanted to break-up either because he was always followed by paparazzi and she needed privacy. Or because he was always in another country, doing promos and shooting so she couldn't date someone who wasn't there. Once he even dreamt she was angry because the "caviar was cold." Jason had no idea what that dream meant but it still made him afraid of doing something that would upset his girlfriend.

My girlfriend.

It took a while for the term to sip in. Jason smiled to himself. So far, nothing bad had happened to their relationship. Amber was a perfect fit for him, she was smart, she had so much in common with him and when he tried to explain the burdens of dating a movie star, she said she was fine.

The crew were taking a break now. Jason walked to one of the snack tables they had put up and took a cupcake. Then he took a seat and looked out at the sky, deep in thought. After a few minutes, he had made up his mind. Taking out his cellphone, Jason went to "new messages" and started typing.


Jason's finger hovered above the send button.

Should I? Should I?

"LET'S DO Scene 24 NOW! Fred, remember to wash your hands before handing the equipments! COME ON HARDISLAYE DON'T DILLY DALLY."

"Right... um," Jason stood up but he did not move. Staring at the phone screen, he could hear his heartbeats in his head.


"Alright!" Hurriedly, he pressed the 'Send' button, shoved the phone into his pocket and forgot all about it for the rest of the day.

THAT'S IT. CHAPTER 16. YAY. I CANT BELIEVE I DID TWO CHAPTERS IN A DAY. I MUST BE BORED. haha. thanks for reading. rmb to comment.


Blogger karyn said...

AAAAAAHHH the suspense!!!

What was the message???

Like, 'we should break up'? Something like that..?

Anyway. THE FIGHT FINALLY HAPPENED!!! How saddistic of me. But im glad you didnt make the jason/amber relationship so smooth sailing.

More real that way, isnt it?

How did the fight occur anyways? Who started it?

Hopefully my two comments shall motivate you to churn out more chaps as quickly as you did these last two. *hint hint*

8:49 PM  
Blogger karyn said...

I hope Amber is not the jealous type, because Jason is too good for that.

OH NO. im making it sound like Jason is a real person.Freaky me.

*sidetrack: Thanks for that donation, it saved us from a lotta trouble.

I commented again on the previous chap too.=D

11:11 PM  

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