It's Here... Almost.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


i actually have an entire other chapter 21 involving Kaine and Karyn but i think i must have been in "chick lit" mode when i wrote that or something. So this is hopefully, a slight improvement.

edit (it was 3 months ago that i wrote half this chapter): i NEED to finish this stupid story. so i will.

Where the Four Casts

Kaine waited til Amber was out of sight before speaking. "So, Jason. What's the deal?"

Jason tilted his glass on the surface of the wooden coffee table. The clear liquid swivelled around, creating an ever changing circumference never reaching beyond the brim. "If you're referring to what's going on between Amber and I, in a bid to be polite Kaine, your hushed tone ought to be a little more hushed."

Kaine made a face then looked towards the kitchen. He could hear the clinking of plates as Karyn placed them in the dish drainer and he watched her do it for awhile before turning his attention back to his friend.

"So, Jason. What's the deal?" He repeated, a tone louder. Jason grinned, muttered "smart ass" and sipped his drink. The warmth of the liquor spread down his throat as he tried to recall the conversation he had had with Amber.

"Well, we fought."


"And basically we're getting married next month."


"Yes, that makes sense doesn't it?"

Kaine pretended to run through it in his head. "Uh no? So nothing's changed? The wedding's still on the 1st? I'm curious, did the events occurring after the fight include a make up? Because people don't marry after they break up. It's uncommon in the natural process of courtship."

"..natural process of cour- what are you, the National Geographic channel?" Jason chuckled and explained, "Yes, of course we made up. It was one of those "I never really realised how much I liked you till I saw you turn red in the face and yell at me" kind of thing. Huh. Anyway, I'm not one to brag, but I'm pretty darn happy."

Kaine let out a booming laugh. "Liar. You're facing the rest of your life in commitment. That does not constitute to happiness."

"And you...?"

"Me?" Kaine sat back and stole another glance at the kitchen. Both Karyn and Amber were having a conversation while manually drying the dishes. The emotions running through him were forcing him to re-examine his theory on matrimony. "Me? I'm depressed."


The sound of water rushing out of the tap and hitting the surface of the porcelain plate managed to reduce the boys' conversation to inconsistent murmurs. Karyn was glad for that, she'd rather avoid knowing what they were talking about because it probably involved what was going on between Jason and Amber and she wasn't in the mood for it. Not that she didn't care, Amber's inability to not smile the entire evening had already told her all she needed to know. But somehow, she didn't want to have anything more to do with it. The night was no longer young and she could feel fatigue creeping up on her. Monday was back to the cafe so that meant she still had one more day... Karyn made a mental note to take those good 24 hours and have a nice long rest. Maybe it was that time of the month again but these few days weren't the best for her. Her mood was constantly down and it was accompanied by guilt due to the fact that her best friend's wedding was coming up and she ought to be cheery. Karyn let out a soft sigh that managed to slip past Amber. She hated feeling down in the dumps and not being aware of the reason made it worse.

"You alright?" The voice was Amber's. Karyn tried to brush her off with a nod before taking the cloth from her. They both started to dry the dishes.

"If there's anything... we can talk about it." Amber asked.

"Nah, nothing. Sorry. I'm just tired."

Silence returned again but was soon broken by a laugh from the living room. It reminded Amber of something and she did not hesitate to address the issue.

"So how are you and Kaine doing?" The question was answered non-verbally but with an annoyed stare that could make anyone feel small. Amber was used to it though, but didn't bother hiding her own irritation. "It was just a simple question, no need for the scary stare."

Karyn opened her mouth to say something but then bit her tongue. After calming herself, she shook her head and apologized. "I just don't like how your question seemed to imply and Kaine and I are together in some way."

Amber did not reply but instead just looked at her friend, confused. Then she grinned.

"It's Kaine, isn't it?" She could not hide the smugness from her voice. "Kaine's the reason you're upset."

The dishcloth in Karyn's hand stopped in the middle of the plate. She stared blankly at the wall in front of her before carefully placing the china down on the table. She had the urge to pull out her hair, an action which seemed to dramatic and troublesome, so settled for burying her head in her hands and leaning it against the wall.


my current obsession with Kpop is hindering my abilities to write and think in coherent english sentences. 안녕! please comment 고맙습니다.


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