It's Here... Almost.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


i have decided to write. heh.

So The Story Goes.


Looking up, Karyn caught sight of Kaine, but she quickly turned her attention back to transferring the plate of danish pastry from the tray to the customer's table and giving her a quick smile. Then she stood up and noticed that he's green eyes were peering at her through a pair of black framed spectacles.

"Nice specs."

"Thanks, erm yea... I have to talk to you." Kaine explained rather sheepishly. Karyn gave him an irritated look and motioned around her. The customers were sweeping in even as they spoke, it was obvious, business was good today.

"Look it'll just take a second!" His pulled at the ends of his jacket and his eyes looked at her, almost begging.

"Alright.... walk with me."

Karyn turned tail, one hand supporting a empty plastic circle tray and the another, trying to find something in her pocket, Kaine trailing after her.

"I'm here to ask you something.... I want you to go out with me."

Slightly surprised, the waitress resisted the temptation to turn around, instead continued putting food on her tray. Walking out from behind the counter she made sure Kaine was still following her close by before answering.

"You want me to go out with you? After the little 'therapy sessions'? Yes, here's your order..." The plate made a soft clinking sound as it hit the table, but it was swallowed by the noise of the chattering around them. Karyn did a side step to avoid a man who was heading for the toilet, then proceeded to the next table.

"You don't think it's the greatest idea, do you? I mean, I know how horrible you are at making commitments and all your weaknesses and maybe a bit of how you think, you don't actually think that going out with me is a good idea, do you?"

Kaine stood back, watching the waitress bend down and placing a few plates of tarts on the table, contemplating for a second. When she stood up, he was ready to answer.

"Well that's sort of the whole point. I mean now you know me, so you'll be able to steer me in the right direction..."

"Ah. So it's a little less of a relationship and more of a test of some kind? To help you?"

"Ehh. Yes." Kaine shuffled his feet slightly. The sound of forks and knives clinking on porcelain plates and the conversations going on around him buzzed in his ears. Karyn had moved on to another table and once again, her tray was empty. Her gaze was averted downwards but she walked towards him.

"Pick me up at 6," She smirked slightly, "Don't be late."

CHAPTER 17 whee. i had serious writers block when i wrote this so its crappy. gah.


Blogger karyn said...

Kaine is USING her! Despicable! And how can Karyn agree? Its like a one-sided relationship, where Kaine just takes and Karyn just gives.

Oh but I still like Kaine. Fickle-minded me.

Does Karyn actually like Kaine? I mean the one in the story.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Big Fat Sucker said...

Well, actually karyn KNOWS its not gonna be a relationship and shes not expecting anything. and both of them are right now in the state of "nothing more than friends" but as u know how love stories go...

3:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

so sweet, this one. not really a happy ending, but i like how KARYN (hahahahahaha) doesnt really give kaine the time of day. cant WAIT to see how this relationship turns out.

black glasses rock.

6:55 PM  
Blogger Big Fat Sucker said...

haha i cant wait either! HAHA. and u jus say black glasses rock cos u suggested it.

7:01 PM  

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