It's Here... Almost.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


i actually have an entire other chapter 21 involving Kaine and Karyn but i think i must have been in "chick lit" mode when i wrote that or something. So this is hopefully, a slight improvement.

edit (it was 3 months ago that i wrote half this chapter): i NEED to finish this stupid story. so i will.

Where the Four Casts

Kaine waited til Amber was out of sight before speaking. "So, Jason. What's the deal?"

Jason tilted his glass on the surface of the wooden coffee table. The clear liquid swivelled around, creating an ever changing circumference never reaching beyond the brim. "If you're referring to what's going on between Amber and I, in a bid to be polite Kaine, your hushed tone ought to be a little more hushed."

Kaine made a face then looked towards the kitchen. He could hear the clinking of plates as Karyn placed them in the dish drainer and he watched her do it for awhile before turning his attention back to his friend.

"So, Jason. What's the deal?" He repeated, a tone louder. Jason grinned, muttered "smart ass" and sipped his drink. The warmth of the liquor spread down his throat as he tried to recall the conversation he had had with Amber.

"Well, we fought."


"And basically we're getting married next month."


"Yes, that makes sense doesn't it?"

Kaine pretended to run through it in his head. "Uh no? So nothing's changed? The wedding's still on the 1st? I'm curious, did the events occurring after the fight include a make up? Because people don't marry after they break up. It's uncommon in the natural process of courtship."

"..natural process of cour- what are you, the National Geographic channel?" Jason chuckled and explained, "Yes, of course we made up. It was one of those "I never really realised how much I liked you till I saw you turn red in the face and yell at me" kind of thing. Huh. Anyway, I'm not one to brag, but I'm pretty darn happy."

Kaine let out a booming laugh. "Liar. You're facing the rest of your life in commitment. That does not constitute to happiness."

"And you...?"

"Me?" Kaine sat back and stole another glance at the kitchen. Both Karyn and Amber were having a conversation while manually drying the dishes. The emotions running through him were forcing him to re-examine his theory on matrimony. "Me? I'm depressed."


The sound of water rushing out of the tap and hitting the surface of the porcelain plate managed to reduce the boys' conversation to inconsistent murmurs. Karyn was glad for that, she'd rather avoid knowing what they were talking about because it probably involved what was going on between Jason and Amber and she wasn't in the mood for it. Not that she didn't care, Amber's inability to not smile the entire evening had already told her all she needed to know. But somehow, she didn't want to have anything more to do with it. The night was no longer young and she could feel fatigue creeping up on her. Monday was back to the cafe so that meant she still had one more day... Karyn made a mental note to take those good 24 hours and have a nice long rest. Maybe it was that time of the month again but these few days weren't the best for her. Her mood was constantly down and it was accompanied by guilt due to the fact that her best friend's wedding was coming up and she ought to be cheery. Karyn let out a soft sigh that managed to slip past Amber. She hated feeling down in the dumps and not being aware of the reason made it worse.

"You alright?" The voice was Amber's. Karyn tried to brush her off with a nod before taking the cloth from her. They both started to dry the dishes.

"If there's anything... we can talk about it." Amber asked.

"Nah, nothing. Sorry. I'm just tired."

Silence returned again but was soon broken by a laugh from the living room. It reminded Amber of something and she did not hesitate to address the issue.

"So how are you and Kaine doing?" The question was answered non-verbally but with an annoyed stare that could make anyone feel small. Amber was used to it though, but didn't bother hiding her own irritation. "It was just a simple question, no need for the scary stare."

Karyn opened her mouth to say something but then bit her tongue. After calming herself, she shook her head and apologized. "I just don't like how your question seemed to imply and Kaine and I are together in some way."

Amber did not reply but instead just looked at her friend, confused. Then she grinned.

"It's Kaine, isn't it?" She could not hide the smugness from her voice. "Kaine's the reason you're upset."

The dishcloth in Karyn's hand stopped in the middle of the plate. She stared blankly at the wall in front of her before carefully placing the china down on the table. She had the urge to pull out her hair, an action which seemed to dramatic and troublesome, so settled for burying her head in her hands and leaning it against the wall.


my current obsession with Kpop is hindering my abilities to write and think in coherent english sentences. 안녕! please comment 고맙습니다.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Best Friends Make Best Men

Karyn didn't take long to recognize that this wasn't exactly the most suitable time to visit. But how could she forget? What else do two grown, wealthy men do on a free night?

"Um if you're planning to speak to Kaine now..." Jason glanced over his shoulder at Kaine, red faced and close to falling off the edge of the sofa, "I don't think this is the right time..." Just then, Kaine broke out into a chorus of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars".

"Actually, I'm here to see you."

It took awhile for her words to process in his mind;Jason blamed it on the alcohol. "Me? Wha- Why?"

Karyn looked at him, slightly annoyed. "Do you mind?" She motioned into the apartment, uncomfortable with the fact she was standing in the middle of the door frame, exposed to the corridor and the possibility of nosey neighbours.

"Oh yes, right..." Jason shuffled aside to allow his visitor in and then closed the door. He walked across the living room behind her, passing Kaine who was air-guitaring. Lifting a bottle of beer, which Karyn politely rejected, he opened it and gulped down the contents.

"So... I've been talking to Amber and I won't beat around the bush..." The 24 year old paused for a moment, unsure of how Jason would react. But the man merely looked at her with curiosity, his consciousness seeming to seep out of him every passing minute, his eyelids weary from trying not to shut and his face flushed red. "Well, she's not too happy with the proposal. I mean, it's a bit fast, don't you think?"

Jason stood, slightly swaying, quiet for a moment. His thoughts went back to the night when he had been on one knee, the slightly odd look on her face that had disappeared before he could figure out what it was. Confusion? No. Cautiousness maybe? Uncertainty? But she had said 'yes' in the end and there was no trace of reluctance in her voice when she had.

"But... but why?"

"Look, Jason... You and Kaine... you guys are actors. Hollywood actors. It was bad enough when Amber and you were dating, she has had her doubts. She's not the type of girl who um... who... well, she's not the Hollywood actor's girlfriend kind of girl. Y'know?"

"Wh... so... you're saying...?"

"I'm saying that it's kind of cliche for actors to rush into marriages? Something like that. And it's kind of cliche for them to rush out of it too. Amber's not ready for that."

The bottle in Jason's hand slid through his fingers but landed nicely on the counter top. He stared at the ground in deep concentration before reasoning with Karyn.

"But that's not my intention. Amber's not that kind of girl but... I'm not that kind of guy. Look at this apartment! Does it look like it's owned by a Hollywood actor to you?"

Karyn scanned the room. Bottles and newspapers were strewn all over the floor. Furniture was obviously in places it wasn't meant to be and they were the average kind of stuff you found in an average home. Nothing fancy. In the middle of it all, Kaine sat, slumped on the sofa, snoring loudly.

She wrinkled her nose. "Well no. Look truth be told, I kind of know you're not that kind of guy. But Amber alittle more paranoid, y'know? I think it should be her you're explaining to. I just came here to tell you." An encouraging smile played at her lips.

Jason nodded and grabbed the beer bottle again. "Thanks." He took his last sips before the bottle went dry.

"Well, then, I shall make my way out and leave you two men to do your macho stuff..." Karyn walked towards the door, careful not to step on anything. Jason started to follow but she held up her hand and told him to stay put. "I'll show myself out," She opened the door and turned back to wish Jason a good night. "Err.. and you too Kaine, if you can hear me." With one last grin and a wave, she door shut with a click.

A loud snore and a thud indicated that Kaine had rolled off the sofa.

thanks for reading and please please comment! :D

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


i know its been long since i updated to here's a summary of what has happened so far:

Jason + Kaine = 2 Actors, best friend s

Jason is just getting over his ex Natalie when he meets an asian waitress, Amber and well, falls in love. in the last chapter, he proposed to her.

Kaine is a reckless playboy, not caring about how many women he dates at a time. the goodness of his best friend seems to be rubbing off him and so now he's trying to make amends for the bad things he's done. he makes friends with Amber's colleague, Karyn, and asks her to be his "therapist". they spend some late evenings together, just talking and finally Kaine asks her out.

The Fondest Nights Are Full Of Beer
"Nooooooooo, you asked her to marry you?"

"Hey hey! Look who's talking? You asked your therapist out!"

"Well, she's not really my therapist...... look don't change the subject, alright, you're the one with the problem; You asked a girl whom you've dated for like what? One day?"

"Oh Kaine, you drama queen! I've dated her for.... months already..."

"How many?"

"Um... I can't remember... not right now anyway... not... sober.... enough..."



"So... what's with the sudden outrages behaviour love?"

"Mmm... what? Oh the proposal?"

"No, no. The train ride!"

"What? Kaine if you're going to try to be sarcastic at least make it make sense. Hmm... the proposal? I guess... I just...."


"Wanted to keep her."

"What? I've never heard that before."

"Well Amber's different and I just.... don't want... to lose her."

"Heyhey! You're blushing!"

"It's the beer!"


"Now you're blushing too! Haha!"

"Go...away.........Ja... sonnnn...."

"You're not going to finish that bottle, are you?"



"Mmm? No! Getoff!"

"Lemme lemme......"

"No! Beer! Mine! I swear Jason... If you don't back off... I will... bite... you.."

"I dare you...... I'll bite.. you first...."


"Mm? Whossat?"

"Who's what?"

"At the door..."

"Door? What's a door?"

"I'll go geddit..."

"Oh that rectangular thing? With the circley thing that you turn that looks like a-"


"Ouch Jason, that was my foot! Or was it...?"

"Where... are those... lights... when you need them..."

"Lights? What are lights..."

"Where's that stupid door knob... Ah! there we go...."

"There what go... zzz..."

"... Karyn...? What are you doing here?"

Anyway this chap isnt very interesting cos its like a little bridge from one chapter to the other. i jus wrote this cos i couldnt think of anything else. i shall go get started on chapter 20. :D thanks for reading!
happy new year!

Thursday, September 06, 2007


When Things Get A Little Too Cliche
Amber got a surprise when Jason messaged her, telling her that he would be back for two days to take a break from shooting and Amber highly doubted that million dollar movie would want to take two days break so she suspected Jason had pulled a few strings.

But why?

What was so important that he could not tell over the phone, that he had to fly over a few states just to see her about.

Amber's suspicions grew even more when she received another cell phone message from Jason telling her to not go to the airport to pick him up. And then he sent another saying "Wait for me outside your cafe after closing time."

So she was waiting out on the pavement, looking around with the help of the street lamps. Inside, a single light was switched on and Karyn could be seen washing dishes. She had told Amber that she felt like doing dishes that night but Amber knew perfectly well that Karyn just wanted to see what Jason was going to pop up with.

The night was rather silent except for the occasional dog's bark and the faint sound of some one's television set. A murmur of a car engine made Amber look eagerly down the road and what she saw were two headlights growing bigger and bigger and finally a familiar grey car stalled in front of her and Jason opened the door and looked up at her from the driver's seat.

"Do you want to come inside?"

Amber weighed the options. If Jason were about to give her good news, something that would make her pleased, inside would be nice because then it would be only him and her.... but if it were bad, would she get out of the car in time or would she cry right in front of him?

"Outside's not bad. Nice evening breeze."

Jason smiled and stepped out of the car, onto the pavement. "Was hoping you'd saw that..." Then he caught sight of Karyn who was watching them closely and had been washing the same plate at the same spot since Jason arrived. He smiled and gave a little wave which was identically returned.

"Wow.... Haven't seen in you in a while..." Hands in pocket, Amber noticed that her boyfriend was having a hard time looking at her. But when he did, she could see his blue eyes twinkle with the street lights and she found herself feeling lost in them

"I've missed you... much, been thinking about you... almost everyday." Jason looked away again, his hand went to his brown hair which was streaked with black, something the movie had required, and it was obvious he had a hard time saying what he wanted to say with his voice breaking at some point.

Amber was bemused. "What is it, Jason?" She whispered to him and laughed lightly. Her laugh seemed to have comforted the 24 year old thespian as he looked at her again and smiled more confidently.

"Amber.. I.." Jason shut his mouth but he did not avert his gaze. The dog starting barking again but other than that there were no sounds.

"Jason I-" Amber had meant to say that there was no need to beat around the bush but just go right to the point but at that moment Jason did the unthinkable and she stopped abruptly.

"Amber." The tiny black box was opened slowly with his fingers but Amber was too busy staring at Jason as he knelt on one knee and spoke.

"Marry me."

There was a gasp and a crash which Amber guessed meant that the cafe was less one plate tonight.

there we go. chapter 18, this is my first time writing something like that, it is strangely fun to write. well, thanks for reading and if u commented, thank u for the 2nd time. :D the next chapter will be about Kaine as i think having too much of a certain character is no fun for me to write, hence the alternative chapters for each character.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


i have decided to write. heh.

So The Story Goes.


Looking up, Karyn caught sight of Kaine, but she quickly turned her attention back to transferring the plate of danish pastry from the tray to the customer's table and giving her a quick smile. Then she stood up and noticed that he's green eyes were peering at her through a pair of black framed spectacles.

"Nice specs."

"Thanks, erm yea... I have to talk to you." Kaine explained rather sheepishly. Karyn gave him an irritated look and motioned around her. The customers were sweeping in even as they spoke, it was obvious, business was good today.

"Look it'll just take a second!" His pulled at the ends of his jacket and his eyes looked at her, almost begging.

"Alright.... walk with me."

Karyn turned tail, one hand supporting a empty plastic circle tray and the another, trying to find something in her pocket, Kaine trailing after her.

"I'm here to ask you something.... I want you to go out with me."

Slightly surprised, the waitress resisted the temptation to turn around, instead continued putting food on her tray. Walking out from behind the counter she made sure Kaine was still following her close by before answering.

"You want me to go out with you? After the little 'therapy sessions'? Yes, here's your order..." The plate made a soft clinking sound as it hit the table, but it was swallowed by the noise of the chattering around them. Karyn did a side step to avoid a man who was heading for the toilet, then proceeded to the next table.

"You don't think it's the greatest idea, do you? I mean, I know how horrible you are at making commitments and all your weaknesses and maybe a bit of how you think, you don't actually think that going out with me is a good idea, do you?"

Kaine stood back, watching the waitress bend down and placing a few plates of tarts on the table, contemplating for a second. When she stood up, he was ready to answer.

"Well that's sort of the whole point. I mean now you know me, so you'll be able to steer me in the right direction..."

"Ah. So it's a little less of a relationship and more of a test of some kind? To help you?"

"Ehh. Yes." Kaine shuffled his feet slightly. The sound of forks and knives clinking on porcelain plates and the conversations going on around him buzzed in his ears. Karyn had moved on to another table and once again, her tray was empty. Her gaze was averted downwards but she walked towards him.

"Pick me up at 6," She smirked slightly, "Don't be late."

CHAPTER 17 whee. i had serious writers block when i wrote this so its crappy. gah.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


before i dive into chapter 17 (which has contents I HAVE YET TO COME UP WITH) i would like to state things that u might have misunderstood. firstly, amber and jason have NOT argued or quarrelled or anything. he's jus kind of paranoid so he thinks that they will soon. he needs conselling. AND i have no idea who kaine was talking about in chapter 15 either. so dont ask me. anyway, chapter 17 would probably arrive some time after my 21st birthday.... haha nope, kidding. it will be very long til an update as the embarassing encounter with Michael Guy Chislett has momentarily killed my creative side of the brain.


Friday, July 13, 2007


Wait Til Real World Directors Yell "CUT"

"You don't know what love means."

"Maybe... But I'm willing to learn. Ma- I mean Kate... ARGH."


Conveniently enough, a man went up to Jason with a towel and he took it (without forgetting to thank him of course) and wiped the sweat off his brow.

"What happened Jason? Suddenly win an award and get totally thrown off?"

Jason frowned. "I'm sorry, Michael. Just... alot on my mind."

"Fine," Michael gave the thespian a pat on the back. "Want a break? Or shall we do that again?"

"Okay, I think I'm ready."

"Okay.." Yelling commands to everyone the people got ready.

"Lights! Cameras!"

Jason studied the different tiles beneath his feet. They were shooting on a bridge somewhere in London and the scenery was beautiful. But Jason's mind was too occupied to admire it.

Focus, Jason. Focus.


Mariene looked him in the eye and he looked back. Lines were running through his mind...

"You don't know what love means."

It was his turn. Jason suddenly thought of Amber. He and her were on the bridge. They were talking. She was telling him he wasn't good enough. That he didn't know how to have a relationship.

"But I'm willing to learn. Kate, if you are willing to teach me, I am willing to learn." He walked up to Amber and took her hands.

"I promise you, I'll try everything possible to be with you Kate. I love you."

A fan near by was switched on. Mariene's hair blew as if there was a wind blowing. The camera had the perfect shot of them; two lovers and wonderful scenery in the background.

"And.... CUT!"

Everyone was so relieved that even there was a faint "phew!" heard. Jason smiled. Then he noticed that he was doing scenes differently from last time. Somehow he kept imagining his reel life lover to be Amber. Did this show that he really did love her? Or was he subconsciously telling himself that their relationship was temporary, once the camera stopped rolling, was it over?

Jason had never dated someone who wasn't in the movie industry too. Ever since the incident with the reporter at the Awards ceremony, he had nightmares of Amber saying that she wanted to break-up either because he was always followed by paparazzi and she needed privacy. Or because he was always in another country, doing promos and shooting so she couldn't date someone who wasn't there. Once he even dreamt she was angry because the "caviar was cold." Jason had no idea what that dream meant but it still made him afraid of doing something that would upset his girlfriend.

My girlfriend.

It took a while for the term to sip in. Jason smiled to himself. So far, nothing bad had happened to their relationship. Amber was a perfect fit for him, she was smart, she had so much in common with him and when he tried to explain the burdens of dating a movie star, she said she was fine.

The crew were taking a break now. Jason walked to one of the snack tables they had put up and took a cupcake. Then he took a seat and looked out at the sky, deep in thought. After a few minutes, he had made up his mind. Taking out his cellphone, Jason went to "new messages" and started typing.


Jason's finger hovered above the send button.

Should I? Should I?

"LET'S DO Scene 24 NOW! Fred, remember to wash your hands before handing the equipments! COME ON HARDISLAYE DON'T DILLY DALLY."

"Right... um," Jason stood up but he did not move. Staring at the phone screen, he could hear his heartbeats in his head.


"Alright!" Hurriedly, he pressed the 'Send' button, shoved the phone into his pocket and forgot all about it for the rest of the day.

THAT'S IT. CHAPTER 16. YAY. I CANT BELIEVE I DID TWO CHAPTERS IN A DAY. I MUST BE BORED. haha. thanks for reading. rmb to comment.


Atypical But Not Caffeine Free

Kaine stopped outside the club. The beats of the disco music pulsed loudly and the dancing silhouettes were visible from where he stood. Just as a foot stepped closer to the door, something went off in Kaine's head.

That's just so typical of you, Kaine.

Conscience they call it. Your very own Jiminy Cricket. But what made Kaine feel awkward and downright freaked out was that he had heard Jason's voice say it.

I seriously have to spend less time with that guy. He told himself, shaking his head. But now something had gone off in his mind. His hand reached for the door but it didn't reach it. Taking a deep breath Kaine shuffled back down the stairs then with his hands in his pocket, he headed down the street.

Karyn watched as the man in the shabbiest clothes she had ever seen slurped up the soup and ate his bread in a hurry before moving on to a fruit tart. Before she could advise him on a way to avoid choking to death, there was a familiar clinking sound; she looked up and a red haired man stared back at her before looking at his surroundings then returning his gaze to her. His emerald eyes pierced into hers and she quickly looked down.

"We're closed." She said, staring at a newspaper that wasn't really there.

"Yeah well, this guy's still here." Kaine pointed out. The old man in ragged clothes smiled, happy someone had acknowledged his presence. Then he went back to his fruit tart.

The waitress at the counter looked up and shrugged. "He's always here at this time of the night."

Kaine drew out a chair and sat down, back to back with the other man. "Well then, how about I ALWAYS come here too. Starting from now. He leaned over and took a look at what the customer was feasting on. "So... If I eat all of that... I'd have it free too, right?"

Karyn snorted. She walked to the old man and started clearing the empty dishes. "Are you kidding me? Besides, he pays for these." Immediately the man's head snapped up and his wrinkled old face had a rather worried look. Karyn pulled him upright and seemed to be pushing him to the door. Before he exited, she whispered in his ear and he smiled and nodded. Then it was just two in the cafe.

"So, it's just me, the waitress, wanting to head home soon and you, the lost guy in a cafe that has closed for the night. You-"

But Kaine had got up, stretched, and headed for the door scratching his head.

That's right mister, just walk out... come on

Kaine continued walking towards the door. His hand reached pressed against the glass and pushed.


He spun around slowly and looked at her. Karyn was standing there biting her lip. "You're making me feel guilty now."

Kaine controlled his laugh and simply shrugged.

"Sit." Was what Kaine heard. He also heard her mutter something that included the word "idiot". He took his original seat and watched as the waitress took out leftover deserts from the fridge and placed them on plates. Wordlessly, she put a cheese cake on the table. Kaine inspected for a minute before taking a bite of it. There was silence, even the chewing of the cake could not be heard. Kaine looked at the 24 year old who towered above him, hands on hips; she stared right back at him and he found himself turning his attention to a light switch on the wall.

Right. So should I talk to her? What if she bites me. Oh my.

Kaine turned back to look at the woman. She seemed to not have lifted her gaze since the last time. The silence and the staring was creating a rather awkward atmosphere. Kaine even could swear that a Beethoven symphony was playing in his head.

Well. This calls for a fancy introduction.

Kaine stuck out his hand and smiled. "Hi, I'm-"

"What exactly are you doing here?"

The question confused Kaine a lot. He looked at her, then down at what he was eating before answering sheepishly, "Cheesecake?"

"Don't think I don't know who you are!"

"Oh! So you've heard of me!"

"Not exactly. I can't remember what your name is."

"So you haven't heard of me."

"Well no. I know you're an actor and I know this because my best friend is dating your best friend. And I remember you coming in here once with him."


"So what are you here for? Since I last check, A Listers don't walk into close cafes to have a cheese cake at this time of the night. What's really going on?"

Kaine looked at her. Then sighed.

"Sit down." Karyn found the direction a bit odd but she sat anyway.

"Look I," Kaine ran a finger through his hair. He was looking down at the table and Karyn was more than surprised to see his expression had changed. "I'm not feeling too well. So i decided to get a drink but alcohol won't do for me. So I thought maybe coffee or something... but the cheese cake's doing fine...." Kaine was slurring so much it took a while for her to find out what he was saying.

"But the thing is... I really need someone to talk to... unfortunately, you seem to be the only one around..." Karyn met with Kaine's green eyes again. She was lost for words. It was such an odd situation. This man whom she had only seen once had walked into her cafe and now was asking her to be his therapist? She didn't even know his name!

"But...I don't even know your name!" she pointed out. Kaine shrugged.


There was silence. Karyn listened to the clock ticking. It was very late and she was tired, but she couldn't just ask the man to get out. She pushed her sleepiness away and looked at him.

"So... how do we do this?"


It was odd how much different the house looked, even if he had been in it almost everyday after school. Where she was taking him was a completely never-before-seen place. It was all pretty and the walls were covered with musicians who seemed to have lost all their shirts....

"You have a very odd room."

She grinned at him and went pink slightly. There was an arrangement of cards on top of a book shelf that caught his attention. Walking closer, the cards seemed to be for different occasions but something about them rang a bell in his head. He took one down, handling it with utmost care.

HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Or haven't you noticed? It's Christmas. That's right you blur little girl. Hope your next year at high school is much better off. Heard about that jerk Hayden, he is really a git. Don't think about him! You know you're better than that cheerleader he ran off with. What's her name again? Biatch? She's so ugh. I mean for my standards she's just another one of those girls who are sooooo superficial. You know you're better than her! You're smart, funny, PRETTY. yes you are! Okay I take back when I said you look like your brother (he's not very good eyecandy, huh?), you are totally H-O-T. that's right sugar. Now stop reading this and get to bed. It's late.
Merry Christmas

Kaine smiled. He remembered this. He placed it back on the shelf and read another one. It was a badly made card with a pencil drawn boxing glove on the cover. He opened it and read:

Happy boxing day? Really, who celebrates this anyway. Whatever. Stay out of trouble, kid. Once I graduate, I can't keep coverin for ya! -Mr K.

Placing the card back to where it was before, Kaine turned around and met with her eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. They were hard to forget.

"So, what's with keeping all these?" She frowned slightly, as if in deep thought. Then after a moment's hesitation she looked up and stared Kaine straight in the eye.

"They remind me. Of you."

"And that was my first heartbreak." His hands felt warm, clutching the cup of coffee Karyn had offered him while he told his story.

"Heartbreak? But she likes you, doesn't she?"

"Well yes but you know! I'm not exactly married to her now so I think you can take the hint..."

"Oh right." The waitress answered sheepishly. Karyn didn't think she was doing a very good job at this. Fatigue was taking over her and every now and then she would pinch herself just to make sure she had not fallen asleep.

"It's late..." It took a moment for Karyn to realise it was not she who had said it, but Kaine. He looked at her and smiled.

"Thanks." Kaine could see she was deadly tired but she forced a smile anyway and went to wash the dishes. He waited for her and when she came out he stood up and thanked her again.

"Ah.. well. I didn't do much actually." She admitted, taking off her apron. They walked out the the street together and Kaine eyes took awhile to get used to the street lights.

"Well, we'd better be going."

"Wait! I'll walk you home."

"There's no need to! I know where I live."

"Yea yea but it's late. Not really suitable for a pretty yet vulnerable woman like you to be walking along the street alone. Dangers lurking all around you know! So I'll walk you home.... Karyn. It's Karyn right? Did I pronounce it right?"

Karyn had to look away to hide her face when she blushed. "Yea, you did. Fine then. C'mon."

Walking home with someone seemed to be no different then walking home alone. Karyn and Kaine barely spoke a word but somehow she did feel safer. Stars were absent from the night sky that night but the moon shone brightly. A soft wind blew sending chills up her spine. Soon, the soft wind had grown stronger and Karyn found herself shivering even though she repeated rubbed her arms.

"Here-" Next thing she knew, Kaine had his jacket off and and placed it on her shoulders. She was on the verge of declining but another wind blow and she wrapped the jacket rightly around her.

Finally, Karyn was up her front door steps and she turned around and smiled at Kaine. He smiled back.

"Well... bye." He said with a wave. "Last night was really awkward... But thanks for keeping me company."

"Yea it was awkward! But I guess... whatever. If we both don't tell anyone else, it'll just be another normal night."

Kaine nodded.

"Bye..." She took off the jacket and handed it to him then turned to face the door.

Kaine decided to whole the jacket in his arms instead of wear it. He walked down the door steps and was about to make his way home when he heard her call, "Hey."
He turned and saw her head sticking out of the half closed door.

"I'm not vulnerable!" She argued. Then she smiled and shrugged and closed the door.

is this chap long? haha. to me it is. i didnt know how to end it so i kept writing. i think it's really crappy. i NEED TO READ MORE. ahh. okay. so thanks for reading and please comment. thank yewwwwwwwww. and once i get this story off my hands, i'll move on to fan fiction!