It's Here... Almost.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Tabloids aren't just for the kids.

"ERRRR.... Jason?"

Placing the porcelain cup on the table and turning around, Jason met with a rather worried faced Kaine.


"Have you seen the tabloids lately?"

"Why? Did they insult your hair again?"

"No. Is there anything to insult about it?" Kaine immediately started threading his fingers through his hair and flattening parts of it that popped up seconds later.

The only response he got was eye-rolling. "Right. so what about the tabloid?"

"Um. There's this article on Natalie."

"Natalie? Why, did they say something about me still going with her?"


"Then what's so important? Let me see that." Jason reached out to grab the magazine but Kaine jumped back a step and insisted that he read it out.


"Right here goes.." Kaine took a second to clear his throat. Then he read out loud in a British news-reporter kind of accent.

"'As Natalie Grahm, star of blockbusters like City Yell and Pass the Past, walks down the red carpet, smiling and waving and being the humble 23 year old that she is, cameras flash and reporters quickly ask for her time. The young actress is the hottest thing in Hollywood since her latest movie One Time Tutor where she plays a university student who falls in love with a college teacher (played by Patrick Imraied). Critics say this movie is the perfect one to help shoot back into the movie industry after her 1 year break away from the lights and cameras. Of course, during that 1 year break she-' okay this is where you come in Jason,'- was spending her time with TV star Jason Hardislaye. Sadly, their 2 year relationship ended only recently contrary to rumours that they were going to get married.'"

Kaine gulped and looked at Jason. He seemed to be in a daze and was staring completely into space. Kaine thought of offering a tissue to Jason in case he broke down but the man seemed to wake up from his daze and stared at his friend with a questioning look.

"That's all?"

"Well, no."

"Then continue!"

"Sure? Okay. Right so where was I? Oh yea the thing about her and you getting married blah. Right. Ahem. Soo... "I was sad, very sad." She says, talking about her break up with Hardislaye. "But it didn't work out, and the only thing both of us should do is just move on." Moving on is exactly what Natalie Grahm is doing. With her latest movie, another upcoming blockbuster set to be released late next month and new b-' ERRR where was I? Right'- next month and she is on the right road towards success and rising stardom. Watch out for advertisements, more movies and many more articles about this actress in the near future.'" Taking a deep breath, Kaine closed the magazine and observed his friend for a while. Jason looked straight back his friend then spoke.

"That was it?"

"Yea. Y'know... I thought you wanted to know how great your ex is doing. I mean, I'm not trying to rub anything in. Just thought... you wanted to know..."

"Uh. Okay."

"Yea. So if any reporter asks you if you know about your ex you can say "yes" cause now you know."


"Yea. Okay I shall go now..." Kaine turned around and gave a sigh of relief as he started to walk. But he was stopped short by a question.

"Wait. Can I see the article?"

Quickly composing his panicked expression, Kaine turned around and asked, "Um. Why?"

"I just wanna see something."

"The pictures aren't very nice. There's one only." Kaine smiled and flashed the page at Jason before quickly closing it.

"Just hand it over."


"I just wanna see something." Hand reaching out for the magazine, Jason was surprised when Kaine quickly hid it behind his back. Something was up.

"KAINE! Hand it over!"


"Hand it! It's just a magazine Kaine, handing it over won't kill you."

"EXACTLY! It's JUST a magazine, so whatever you wanna know I'll just read it to you- HEY!"

Jason made another reach for the magazine and failed. Soon the two had moved across the room, Kaine trying his best to protect the magazine and Jason trying his best to grab it. Finally the brown haired and taller man managed to snatch the magazine and shove his friend onto the couch. Just to make sure he didn't get up, Jason sat on Kaine.

"Now where's that page..."


Jason found his page and used one hand to hold up the tabloid and the other to push his friend's head into the sofa so his yells were muffled and sounded rather amusing. His eyes scanned the page; A pretty picture of Natalie was on page 12. She had her hand on her hip and a green eyes stared at him coyly. It reminded him of those days that he had her hand in his and they were sitting in the sunlight and having never-ending conversations while she stared at out at the sea and while he stared at the sight in front of him. It was moments like this that Jason missed the most.

His attention moved on to the write-out about his ex-girlfriend that Kaine had read out. There was one part where Kaine had said something and seemed to jump to the next line. That was the part he was looking for.

"Jason, I CAN'T BREATHE! I MIGHT DIE! JASON!! YOUR BUTT STINKS! GET OFF MEEEEE!!" Some how Kaine had managed to get his head of the couch and his yells rang through the apartment. "JASSON GET-"

Suddenly the weight that had been pinning him against the sofa was gone. Kaine jumped up and grabbed his friend by the shoulders, yelling, "YOU CRAZY? Don't you ever do-"

Then he saw something in Jason's eyes that made him stop. The air around seemed to have gone all cold.


Kaine quickly removed his hands from Jason's shoulders. The latter merely tossed the magazine on the coffee table next to him.

"So when were you planning to tell me? When you guys broke up? When I'm on my death bed? Never?" Jason was obviously serious but Kaine was just praying for him to burst out laughing and say something like "You shoulda seen your face!"

Didn't happen.

"Kaine, I'm asking you. Were you ever going to tell me?"

"You... I... she... We just... and you... I mean you.. um..." Guilt-filled, Kaine looked away and concentrated on the blank TV screen across the room. "No."

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Jason shift uncomfortably, then he started to walk away. Kaine wouldn't let him.

"Hold it."

Rather surprised that his arm had been grabbed, Jason looked at his friend who seemed to be rather confident about what he was about to say or do next.


Jason shook the other man's hand off and turned fully to him. "Usually, when a guy betrays his best friend, he says something like "Sorry." Try it Kaine, it'll actually make you sound sincere."

The comment didn't make Kaine flinch or feel bad. He couldn't feel any worse about himself.
"Shit, Jason. We're doing it again! We're fighting like a married couple would! Acting as if we we're from some kind of soap opera and we're a very hot couple who just broke up! Look I'm sorry okay? But... but you were the one who gave me your phone book and told me I could call up one of the girls. And I know Natalie was obviously a bad choice because you still love her but... Face it. Both of you are done. Finished. Zilch. Finito. Mei you le. So you should just move on, like she has."

"I have moved on!"

"No you haven't! It's like telling yourself that your more handsome then I am: IT'S NOT TRUE. If you have moved on then why the hell are you getting all pissed with me?"

"Because. Because." The loss for words shocked both parties. Jason turned away. "I don't know. This is so.... stupid."

"Yea? It's about time you noticed."

Silently, Jason made his way back to the dining table where his coffee had been sitting. Kaine watched his friend for awhile before grabbing his coat and walking out of the door.

"I say... That Jason guy's friend isn't very good at being friend, huh?"

The smell of coffee wafted through the cafe. The faint sound of it bubbling could be heard. The morning sun made it's way onto the table of customers as they sat silently having their breakfasts. The lack of people at the counter was the cause for Karyn to answer the call of one of the magazines Amber had left on the counter.

"Yea... I wonder if Jason knows?"

"Of course he has to! If Kaine didn't tell him, Carson Daily would."

Amber giggled. "Yea..." Then she realised something. "How do you know about Carson Daily?"

"HEY! I'm not that outdated."

Accepting the answer, Amber turned back to creating her perfect Mocha Latte.

"I switched on the TV and he was like, "Hi, I'm Carson Daily!""

Karyn watched, rather amused as Amber laughed and shook her head. Then she decided to ask about the date last night.

"Speaking of Jason.... How are you two going?"

"Counted that we've only been on two dates, I'd say pretty well."

"That's good right?"

"Yea, I guess."

A slight breeze ran through Amber's black hair as a man walked into the cafe. Suddenly Amber was taken back to the night before.

Karyn smiled.

"So, do I hear wedding bells in the future?"

"Are you kidding? I told you we've only been on two dates!"

"But the amount of time you spend dreaming of him I could have sworn you're ready to go around telling people how deeply in love you are with him."

"Look, it's just that... it's just that he's different. From the rest of the guys I've dated. But I'm not saying that he's THE one and that I am 100% certain that I want to marry him."


"Yes! I really am not that much in love with him as you think. You don't have to believe me but a fact is a fact and that customer is waiting for you to serve him."

Karyn sighed and turned to the customer. She pretty much didn't believe her.

I'm at my wit's end. i seriously need to start reading more. haha i think my writing is just worsening as the seconds go. anyway since im done with this, you know wat to do.




Blogger karyn said...

here i am, your faithful commentator. I think Kaine is an ass! temporarily.=D Nothing against you of course. Amber and Jason's relationship seems almost perfect! Make em fight soon!XD

10:07 PM  

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