It's Here... Almost.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


The lack of umbrellas build great friendships

With hands in the pocket, a boy about the age of 16 walked through the rain, shoes soaking from the exposure to far too many puddles. The rain fell on him but it's effort seemed to go unnoticed. The boy didn't bother to fasten his pace even when the raindrops fell faster and harder. Beside him, a boy shorter than him wasn't fairing any better even with a hooded sweater. His eyeliner was smudged by the rain, and it ran down his cheek in a dark black line. Those eyes were staring at his loosely laced sneakers as they splashed through the puddles. The two boys were silent. The air around them was tense and they avoided each other's eyes.

Finally the taller boy with drenched brown hair spoke.

"So. What happens now, huh?"

The other boy attempted to lift his head to answer, but felt it wasn't the right thing to do. He continued to stare at the ground.

"First we miss the audition. Then I find out you're cheating on my sister."

The hooded boy's head shot up at this conclusion; the hood fell off and a mix of red and blonde hair was in full view. He had his eyes widened and his eyebrows dipped in frustration. "I did not, I DID NOT, cheat on her!" He insisted but his explanation only fell on deaf ears. His companion stared back at him with such anger that he was tempted to turn tail and run.

"Look, Jason? I'm sorry. I really am." Just as he said this, he couldn't help but feel helpless. He knew that what he had done was worse then any words could correct. But he was willing to try.

"About Jennifer... I... I'm was just.... You know what kind of person I am! I just can't keep committed. I can't. I just... everytime I see... I just y'knw... I just.... OH GOD. I'm so sorry. I AM SO SORRY. And I promise. I will treat her my best from now on. I will. I will, Jason."

Jason wasn't convinced. But he didn't show it, instead he drooped his head down and watched as his shoes kicked the rain water on the pavement. The night was silent, no one was in sight but these two boys.

"You made us miss the audition. You made us miss it."

"I said I'm sorry."

"YOU MADE US MISS IT. YOU MADE ME MISS IT. You know how much I was looking forward to this audition! WE COULD HAVE GOTTEN THE ROLES KAINE. WE COULD BE DOING WHAT I'VE WANTED TO DO ALL MY LIFE. WE WOULDN'T BE WALKING IN THE RAIN, NOT KNOWING WHERE THE HECK WE ARE GOING TO. But because of your cheating, partying, IRRESPONSIBLE, JACKASSING WAYS, WE MISSED IT." The echo of Jason's voice rang through the street. In the faint background, a dog barked.

Kaine could feel the beer he had drank rising up his throat. He was so tired and frustrated and he wanted to do anything to stop this quarrell. But he couldn't hold back his anger. He stopped walking, faced Jason and yelled, "I... I... OKAY FINE. IT'S MY FAULT. IT'S MY FAULT THAT YOU DIDN'T GET YOUR STUPID DREAM. Face it Jason, even if we had attended the audition there was no way, NO WAY we could have gotten chosen. You have a dream, I get it, but don't be a fool! Do you really think you're going to be a big celebrity? It's so many others dream, we're just one in a million. What really ARE the chances? Blame me for cheating with someone else on your sister but DON'T BLAME ME FOR ONE OF YOUR STUPID FANTASIES NOT COMING TRUE. Don't you dare."

"Fine. It's not like you're EVER going to take the responsibility anyway. Just know this: Nothing you do can make up for this. No words. No stupid jokes. NOTHING. You crushed my dreams, you hurt my sister. Me? I don't deserve you as a friend. Goodbye, Kaine. Good luck with your worthless life." Speaking these last words, Jason turned around and walked. The walk quickened and he ran into the night leaving behind a 19 year old who's eyeliner was no longer smudged by rain alone.

It's a short chapter but a relavant. as u probably know by now it's about Kaine and Jason when they were young. WHEN THEY WERE YOUNG OUNG. haha. THE KILLERS! ok bad joke. anyway COMMENT on this! PLEASE. thank you.


Blogger karyn said...

Finally, 2 chapters! When you say comment, you mean HERE or tagboard? BAAHHH im already here. I had no idea Kaine was the type to suffer from depression!THE CHEATER. heh.I like Jason more and more!

3:16 PM  

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