It's Here... Almost.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Ego Breaks; Couple Dates

"'Dear Kaine, I miss your smile. I miss the way you'd crack a joke whenever I felt down. I loved the way you kissed. I can't help but dream about you every night. Even when I'm with him.'"

Kaine threw the letter onto the table with the rest, laughed loudly and took a gulp of beer. "Next!" He muttered to the air. Slowly, he reached forward and took an unopened letter from the table. Without much care, the 26 year-old ripped the envolope and took out the letter and with a head slightly swaying, he squinted his eyes and tried to concentrate on the words.

"'Kaine.... I what? Oh. I remember when we spent those days and nights together. I always wished things didn't turn out like this' of course you do... 'and I really really think we were meant for each other.' Not quite. 'But alas' Alas! Fancy. 'we barely have enough time to spend together. But one day, if you love me, we could get together and...'" Snorting, Kaine didn't bother to read the whole letter. He threw away. It missed the table and fell onto the floor, among the other badly thrown letters. Making a burping sound, Kaine brought the can to his mouth, finished the beer inside, crushed it and threw it on the floor.

"Arrrrhh..." He growled. He wiped his face with his right hand before lifting it to his head and messing up his already messy brown hair. Then he dropped his head into his hands and wept.

Many blocks away, a much cleaner and much happier scene was happening. The sound of wine glass hitting against wine glass and flattering compliments overshadowed the soft sound of the whirring air-conditioner and a chef scolding a trainee in the kitchen. Jason walked in after his escort but was somewhat oblivious to the noises and the sights. All he could see was the blouse falling perfectly against her slim body; All he could hear was his heart pumping faster than usual.

"A table for two, please." The waitress smiled and bowed slightly at Jason's request. She then turned around and beckoned for the couple to follow.

Sitting merely two tables away, a man dressed in black pants and white shirt caught sight of a rather familiar man taking a seat. His girlfriend had long black hair, her features were that of an asian and she was what people would consider "pretty". What he considered was "headline story".

"So what may I order for you, fair lady?" Jason joked, looking at the assortment of food. He looked up at his date and saw doubt in her face. "Hey. Price isn't a problem. I'm from Hollywood remember?" Amber shrugged and bit her lip. "I'm just not used to eating this kind of food. It's usually leftovers or pizza for me." She explained.

"Here. How about you order No. 7? This is one of my favorites."

Amber smiled. "Okay."

The night fell like a cloak over the resturant. The dim orange light was causing a sort of drowsy effect on Jason and he feared his head would drop into his food any minute. The tension between him and his companion was loosening every few minutes. The periods of silence were lesser now, they had talked about hobbies, about life, about family.

"So tell me why you live in an apartment if you're so rich?"

Jason chewed on his steak before swallowing is down. "Well, to me everyone's pretty equal. So it's nothing that I'm an actor. I've seen people sacrifice their lives for others, they're far better than me. I don't need an extravagant house or alot of golden statue things, just a simple apartment. Rest of the money goes to my savings account and to charities."

She would never have thought of an actor like that. Amber realised that her impression of guys in TV shows or movies could be described as "Rich, Luxurious, Money-minded". Her date had certainly changed her opinion and somehow she could relate to him. He would have those nights alone, not at parties. He would have those days just wondering around and thinking, not in some posh mall with a heavy wallet.

The sky continued to darken. Sadly, the food on their plates were gone and they had to leave. The date was pretty much over.

"I had fun."

The time was 11. But to Jason, it seemed only a few minutes ago he had picked her up and now she was saying goodbye.

"Me too." He said.

"Well. This is it." Amber was standing on the doorsteps of her house with Jason infront of her.

"Yea..." His voice cracked as he said this and he cleared his throat. Then he looked up and met two dark brown eyes and was suddenly thrown into a daze.

Without thinking, he moved his head forward and their lips touched.


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