It's Here... Almost.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Roses and Riches.

Dating. Probably one of the things Kaine was famous for among the ladies. But what they would find out that Kaine was a professional at something else. Breaking up.

Which was why besides the fact that his longest relationship with a girl was 2 and a half months, he had woman just dreaming about going out with him.

Roses, poems, what type of music they loved, what shoe size, Kaine seemed to know his girl from top to bottom. He was the master of romance.

Which was why Jason didn't want his help.

"Dude... you foolish thing."

"Shut up Kaine." Jason said, putting on a black jacket and looking at himself in the mirror.

"Why don't you want my help?"

"Because I want to go out with Amber as Jason. Not as Kaine. I want her to get to know me. If I listen to your advice it's not going to be me."

"I'm better anyway." Murmured Kaine under his breath. He looked at his watch and begin and to feel concerned for his friend. "Mate, you've got half an hour left! Hurry up and pick a stupid jacket."

"I'm done with the jacket. I'm trying to see which tie fits...."

"Tie?" Jason flinched in surprise as Kaine grabbed the gray tie he had put on and pulled it away. "There, you look nice now."

"Thank you." Was the dry reply.

"Now... Got flowers?" Kaine looked up to see Jason frown and shake his head. "Cards?" No. "Chocolates?" No.

The blonde haired 25 year old sighed and patted his friend on the shoulder. "I told you you needed me."

Frustrated, Jason yelled for a few seconds and attempted to pull his hair out. "ARGH. What am going to do now? KAINE! HELP ME!"

"HAHA. See? I knew this was going to happen. I knew it! Can I say I told you so? I told you so. Oh I just did!"

"Whatever. Just help me!"

"I can't."


"I can't. You've got 24 minutes left dude. You want me to like pull flowers outta my sleeve, man?"

"WHAT? But you said you could help me!"

"Yes... But not 20 minutes before! I mean you could have just accepted the fact I was better than you and asked me to help you."

"Kaine? You came 10 minutes ago."

"Well. I guess my timing's a little off today. Too bad for you. You know what? I'll be nice and give you some advice. Dude that totally rhymes. Anyway. Go gel up your hair, put some deodorant on, eat a mint, rush out, go buy flowers and then meet her. Hopefully you'll be in time."

Jason had no choice but to do what Kaine had asked him to do. He gelled his hair so it stood up ("The girls dig that, man!") and sprayed on some deodorant ("Really, when was the last time you bathed.") and had some mint ("So she doesn't suffer as much when you kiss her").

Nervously tugging at the sleeves of his shirt, Jason couldn't stop fidgeting, annoying Kaine greatly. The seemed to move faster than usual and he could barely notice the classical music playing anymore.

"You act as if you haven't done this before."

"Well, technically I haven't asked a total stranger out before. Plus she's pretty. And I'm.."

"Kaine's friend. So that's a really good thing."

"Uh huh."

The lift stopped and made a barely audible "ding" sound. Kaine strut out first, followed by his brown haired companion who was now touching his hair.

"Which car should I take?"

"Jason, you only have one."

"Oh. Yeah."

The couple walked out of the block of apartments and out to the main street. Jason's gray car stood next to the sidewalk, illuminated by the street lights. Kaine attempted to give his friend a hug only to get rejected. Jason then got into the car, started the engine, waved his last and sped off into the night.

Leaving Kaine standing on the sidewalk and feeling rather proud.

The time was 5.57pm. Jason was cutting it really close. He had bought the flowers and was driving to the cafe. The lights turned green and Jason slammed his foot down on the accelerator and screeched down the avenue.

Amazingly, right on the dot, Jason arrived just outside the cafe. A faint shadow stood in the night and as it walked out into the light, he could see clearly it was in fact a rather good looking Amber.

"Hey." Was the first thing Amber said after opening the car door. Jason took a moment to study the 24 year old. She was dressed in jeans and a white tee-shirt and without the dull-colored apron on, Jason realized she had a very good figure. Her hair was tied neatly in a ponytail and the make-up on her face made her smile even brighter.

"Hey! Sorry I made you wait."

"No need to apologize, I just got here anyway."

"Oh, okay. Hop in!"

Amber stepped into the car and slid into the seat. The strong scent of perfume wafted into Jason's nose and dazed him for a second.

"So where are we going?" His date asked, buckling her seatbelt.

Jason took hold of the steering wheel and started to drive down the road. "It's this restaurant that's... you know what? You'll find out when you get there. I'm not very good at describing. What can I say? There's food and rather glamorous waiters."

"Haha. Okay, I think I get the picture."

The two laughed for a minute but the laughter died down and silence took over. The car halted at yet another traffic light and the engine seemed louder than usual. Jason wrecked his head for ideas on how to start a conversation. Then he remembered the flowers.

"OH YES," Jason reached behind him and withdrew a rather crumpled bouquet of roses and handed them to Amber, arm shaking slightly, "For you. ARGH." He flattened out the transparent plastic and smoothed down the petals, then turned to his date again and smiled, "For you. Sorry... I kind of sat on it."

Amber giggled and took the flowers, taking in a whiff of the wondrous scent. "Thanks." She smiled then noticed the change in traffic light. "Oh. There goes the light."

"What? Oh-" Jason quickly turned back to the road and continued driving.

okay. guess wat? this chap took me FOUR DAYS. FOUR! and its so short. ARGH. im losing it. and i ended the chapter like this cos i cant think of anything to else. SO COMMENT U!! COMMENT!!


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